Sunday 23 June 2019

Term 2, Week 9

Good morning everyone,
Welcome to week 9.

Cross Country
This year’s Cross Country will be held on Thursday 27th June (weather dependent). Children are to wear their faction coloured T-shirts and bring along coloured decorations (teddies, banners etc).
We will begin at 9.15am and will conclude around recess.
We will begin with the Year 1 classes and finish with the Year 6’s.
Please be aware the bottom car park (Cape Naturaliste Road) will be closed for the event.

As you may know, OLC is very excited to host Dana Kerford - founder of URStrong and the Friendology program.This event will take place on Wednesday 26th June, 5:30pm - 7:00pm.
Dana is a world - recognised speaker and her engaging, practical and dynamic sessions inform both children and parents on the complexities of friendships as well as how to navigate and ensure healthy friendships are valued.
Dana will build on and further demonstrate the foundations of the Friendology program which OLC utilises and practises.
"The Language of Friendship" workshop is a rare opportunity for OLC families and I strongly encourage you to consider attending. This will be an interactive parent – child session.

Just so that everyone is aware, camp has been booked for week 8 term 4. The dates are the 4th to the 6th December. The camp will once again be at Bridgetown. This year will be interesting as the camp has been taken over by different owners.

Farewell Assembly for Mr Wilkie:
Sadly Mr Wilkie has only two weeks left with us!  There will be a farewell assembly this Friday at 1.30pm in the hall focused on Mr Wilkie's amazing career. Please feel free to come along.

Our Learning:
Does gas have mass???
Well that was the question posed to the Year 5’s during our science lessons. This created some really interesting discussions and thoughts. Below are photos from when the students were experimenting whether gas has mass. It turns out that gas does actually have mass.

For those students that are still struggling to understand what the activities for spelling are, there is a success criteria on their Onenote.

15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
The children are expected to complete only one unit of their Maths homework weekly. Each unit will be due on a Friday and time will be provided on Friday gathering time to review any tricky parts or unfinished sections before handing in.

This week is Unit 16


ABC Order:
An example of this is on the “Welcome” section in  Onenote:

Adding my words:
 An example of this is on the “Welcome” section in  Onenote:

Consonants and Vowels:
Write your spelling words; use a blue coloured pencil for consonants and a red coloured pencil for vowels.

Choose 5 spelling words and next to each one write 2 synonyms.

A synonym is a word that means the same. Use a thesaurus for help, if needed. Example: large big