Sunday 24 February 2019

Term 1, Week 4

Good afternoon parents,
Week 4 already!

Parent Information Evening
A big thank you to all the parents that turned out to the information evening last Tuesday. For those parents that could not attend I sent home the notes with your child last week.

Buddy Mass this Wednesday
Our class Buddy Mass with the Year 2's is on this Wednesday morning. This is a parish mass that we take part in with our buddy classes once throughout the year. Parents are most welcome to attend the service which begins at 9:30am.

School AGM 
Will be held in the Hall on Thursday 28th February beginning at 6.30pm. As many parents as possible are encouraged to attend.

Swimming Carnival
Is on this Thursday 28th February! All parents are welcome to come and support if they can.

We ask that your child wears their bathers to school underneath their sports uniform to make life easier for them. They can wear thongs to school but they must bring their sneakers to put on after they return to school. They will need:
  • Swimming bag - preferably not their school bag
  • Bathers & Rashie - please note that all children must wear a rashie to keep them sun safe.
  • Thongs
  • Towel
  • Goggles
  • Packed recess and lunch
  • Water bottle - perhaps think about packing a spare one as it can be a long hot day for them!
For those students that are still struggling to understand what the activities for spelling are, there is a success criteria on their Onenote.

15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
The children are expected to complete only one unit of their Maths homework weekly. Each unit will be due on a Friday and time will be provided on Friday gathering time to review any tricky parts or unfinished sections before handing in.

This week is Unit 3


ABC Order:
An example of this is on the “Welcome” section in  Onenote:

Adding my words:
 An example of this is on the “Welcome” section in  Onenote:

Consonants and Vowels:
Write your spelling words; use a blue coloured pencil for consonants and a red coloured pencil for vowels.

Choose 5 spelling words and next to each one write 2 synonyms.

A synonym is a word that means the same. Use a thesaurus for help, if needed. Example: large big