Monday, 28 October 2019

Term 4, Week 3

Welcome to week 3 everyone,
Thank you to those students that came to Confirmation on Saturday to sing in the choir and support the Year 6’s. It was a beautiful night.

Grandparents Day:
Thank you to all the parents and grandparents that came to the school and into the classroom this morning. It was such a good opportunity for the students to show their grandparents what they have been learning throughout the year as well as show them their ukulele skills.

Assembly Week 3:
Assembly will begin at 2.10pm this week, as we have merit certificates, 2M presenting an item and the presentation of confirmation certificates. All are welcome!

Wheelie, Walkie, Waste Free Wednesday's:
Thank you so much for the strong support of this initiative last week. It was amazing to see that so many students in our class were able to gain two points each to go towards our fight to win the free excursion at the end of term! It is back on again this week. Please don't worry if you can't walk or ride to school, you can help out with your nude lunch (no packaging).

This Friday we will be holding a ‘Rock your socks off’ dance party during the lunch break for Socktober to mark World Mission Month with the theme "Do not Fear I am with You". Children and staff are invited to wear crazy socks and make a gold coin contribution on the day to raise money for Catholic Mission Australia.

OLC's Got Talent Auditions:
These will be held during the students music time with Mrs Nimmo on Monday. All students are invited to audition but DO NOT have to do so.


15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
The children are expected to complete only one unit of their Maths homework weekly. Each unit will be due on a Friday and time will be provided on Friday gathering time to review any tricky parts or unfinished sections before handing in.

This week is Unit 32


ABC Order:
An example of this is on the “Welcome” section in  Onenote:

Adding my words:
 An example of this is on the “Welcome” section in  Onenote:

Consonants and Vowels:
Write your spelling words; use a blue coloured pencil for consonants and a red coloured pencil for vowels.

Choose 5 spelling words and next to each one write 2 synonyms.

A synonym is a word that means the same. Use a thesaurus for help, if needed. Example: large big