Sunday, 9 September 2018

Term 3, Week 9

Good Afternoon everyone,
Please have a look below at the important information.

Uniform Week 9

As the musical is this week. Tuesday 11th September will be sports uniform, Wednesday will be sports uniform (as per normal), Thursday will be normal uniform and Friday will be sports uniform (as per normal).

Shoe Box Items

I have a few names of people that haven’t brought in the Christmas Shoebox donations. Could you please bring them in as soon as you can as we will be putting them together shortly

Learning Journeys
Will be on Monday 17th September beginning at 3.30pm - 5pm. This will be an opportunity for you to come in and spend some time in your child's classroom checking out what they have been up to.
Musical Reminders
Musical week has arrived and it is time for a few reminders so that we are all in the right place at the right time!

Just to be clear, the Year 5/6 parents are providing supper for the audience for both nights.

We have fruit platters to be brought in for the cast as well as pizzas from Domino’s for Intermission. These will be ham and cheese and margherita flavour. Thank you to the P & F for helping with the cost of these!

Thank you to Fee Chandler & Louise De Chiera for volunteering to bring platters for Thursday night and Amanda Prestipino, Sasha Taylor-North and Marylee Edwards for volunteering for Friday night.

Thursday Night Supper - Year 5 parents to provide cakes/slices biscuits etc. Please make sure your have brought your biscuits in already. These are to be brought in after school or as your drop your child off to get dressed.

Please do not take them to the canteen in the morning as Sara will be running a full canteen day. They can be taken to the 5/6 Wet Area if they do not need to be refrigerated.

Please make sure you have 30 pieces on a disposable plate or with your name clearly marked.

Friday Night SupperYear 6 parents to provide cakes/slices biscuits etc. Please make sure your have brought your biscuits in already. These are to be brought in after school or as your drop your child off to get dressed.

Please make sure you have 30 pieces on a disposable plate or with your name clearly marked.

 For those students that are still struggling to understand what the activities for spelling are, there is a success criteria on their Onenote.

15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
Unit 24
Day 1
Unit 24
Day 2
Unit 24
Day 3
Unit 24
Day 4

ABC Order:
Refer to previous posts:

Adding my words:
Refer to previous posts:

Consonants and Vowels:
 Write your spelling words; use a blue coloured pencil for consonants and a red coloured pencil for vowels.

Choose 5 spelling words and next to each one write 2 synonyms.

A synonym is a word that means the same. Use a thesaurus for help, if needed. Example: large big