Good afternoon everyone,
Below are some final details for tomorrows winter carinval.
Students will need to be at school at 8.15am tomorrow as the bus will be leaving at 8.30am
will need to be equipped with the following:
§ Food and drink for the entire day. (There are no
canteen facilities available.)
§ Full OLC PE uniform. Please make sure all items are clearly labelled.
§ School hat and sunscreen as we will be outdoors for
the entire day.
§ Wet weather gear, a towel and a change of clothes in
the case of bad weather.
§ Protective equipment for football (mouth guard and
only moulded shoes to be worn), soccer (shin pads and long socks), +hockey (mouth
guard, shin pads, long socks) and netball (fingernails to be cut or taped).
§ No jewellery to be worn.
Good luck to all students!