Wednesday, 16 November 2016

St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper Appeal


Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for all that we have and to assist those in need.

We are asking all families in the school to give as generously as possible.

This year the Year 4/5/6 student families are being asked to donate toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, hairbrushes, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lip balm, sunscreen, soap etc.

If each family could give at least 2 items it would go a long way to helping those families in need.

I will place a box in Year 6 for your donations, if you can please make sure that you have them in by Monday 5th December.

Many thanks,

Mr McSevich, Mr Danaher & Mrs Delane 

Monday, 7 November 2016

Homework Term 4

This is the spelling homework for the rest of the Term. It doesn't matter what order they are completed in, as long as they are all completed by Friday.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016


Leadership Speeches

Next Wednesday the 9th of November the students in Year 5 will be presenting their Leadership speeches in front of Year 4's and 6's. The speeches will be held at 11:30 in the hall.
The students have been working extremely hard on their speeches and I think that we have a few budding Churchill's or Michelle Obama's with the quality they have produced.

Thank you,

Monday, 5 September 2016

Week 8

Good morning parents, we have a few busy weeks coming up with Shrek as well as the sports carnival in week 10. Below are some other important matters that are happening in Year 5.

Christmas Shoebox:
Just a gentle reminder that the Christmas school box appeal items need to be brought into the class by Monday 12th September. Our year 5 class has been tasked with bringing in something to wear and something to play with, examples below.
SOMETHING TO PLAY WITH Tennis ball, cars, skipping rope, marbles, musical instrument, yo-yo, slinky, finger puppets, wind up torch, etc.

SOMETHING TO WEAR T-shirt, polo, shirt, shorts, skirt, cap, beanie, sandals, etc.

Photo Day:
Thursday is photo day, so please support your child in ensuring they look 100% for our class photo. I have only had a few order forms handed up to me, if they are handed in, I will keep them until Thursday and hand them to your child in the morning.

Learning Journeys:

Monday week 10 (19th September) is our Learning Journeys afternoon. I will send home a letter later this week regarding the scheduling for the night and put up a sheet outside the class for you to a schedule.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Operation Christmas Child

Attached below is a letter that will be sent home with your child this afternoon.

23rd August 2016

Dear Parents,

It is the time of year when we ask for the  support of the OLC community to help children in need by providing items that can be packaged in shoeboxes and sent to those in need.

The shoeboxes our school helps to send may be the only gift that the child receives all year and they are very gratefully received!

This year we will have a combined effort between the Year 4, 5 and 6 classrooms to donate items that can be used to package the boxes.

In Year 5 all students will provide 2 items for the shoebox and $2.50 to pay for the postage of the boxes.

SOMETHING TO PLAY WITH Tennis ball, cars, skipping rope, marbles, musical instrument, yo-yo, slinky, finger puppets, wind up torch, etc.

SOMETHING TO WEAR T-shirt, polo, shirt, shorts, skirt, cap, beanie, sandals, etc.

Your child will be given the age of the student to bring in appropriate items for. Boys will buy for boys and girls will buy for girls.

These items will be centrally collected and then we will pack the shoeboxes once all items are in.

Please make sure that you have brought your items and money in by Monday 12th September.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kindest regards,

Ben Danaher

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Confirmation Choir and Mission Market

Good afternoon Year 5 Parents.

Two important pieces of information today. The first is the Confirmation Choir, and the second is the Mission Market.

Confirmation Choir:

On Sunday 7th August at 9:00am, the Year 6 students will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at Our Lady of the Southern Cross Church. We are seeking volunteers from the students in Years 3-5 to form the choir at this important sacramental celebration. If your child is able to be there as a member of the choir please complete the note below and return it to your child’s classroom teacher by next Monday, 1st August.

Mission Market:

On Friday 12th August, we will be holding our Annual Mission Markets beginning at 11.45am. The Year 5 stall item this year is Coin Toss!

Can we please ask that all Year 5 families provide a block of chocolate and/or some small chocolate bars for prizes at our stall?  If you can please have these in by Wednesday 10th August, I would be most appreciative.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your support.

Thursday, 30 June 2016


Year 5 families, this term in science we have been looking at our solar system. We have learnt about the difference between each planet, the sizes of each planet, the planets distance from the sun and how the earth rotates and revolves around the sun. 
Below is some fantastic solar systems created by our awesome Year 5's!

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Final Winter Carnival Details

Good afternoon everyone, 
Below are some final details for tomorrows winter carinval.

Students will need to be at school at 8.15am tomorrow as the bus will be leaving at 8.30am

Students will need to be equipped with the following:
§  Food and drink for the entire day. (There are no canteen facilities available.)
§  Full OLC PE uniform. Please make sure all items are clearly labelled.
§  School hat and sunscreen as we will be outdoors for the entire day.
§  Wet weather gear, a towel and a change of clothes in the case of bad weather.
§  Protective equipment for football (mouth guard and only moulded shoes to be worn), soccer (shin pads and long socks), +hockey (mouth guard, shin pads, long socks) and netball (fingernails to be cut or taped).

§  No jewellery to be worn. 

Good luck to all students!

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Winter Carnival Practice

Good afternoon everyone,

Tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 the students will be practicing for the Winter Carnival next Thursday 2nd June. The three sports are hockey, soccer and footy. Could the students please the necessary gear for the their sports.

Thank you,

Friday, 13 May 2016

Important Camp information 2016

Please find below some important information regarding Camp 2016.

The adults attending Camp are:
Mrs Caitlin Delane. Miss Emma Dziaulewicz, Mr Ben Danaher, Mr Simon Higgins, Mr Nathan Omodei, Mr Rob Allison, Mrs Georgie Valmadre, Mrs Lisa Mooney and Mr Simon Higgins.

We will spending the week at DARE Adventure Camp in Dwellingup. This is located on Vandal Road, Dwellingup. The contact number in an emergency is (08) 9538 1314.

In the unfortunate event of a family emergency please contact Mr Des Wilkie directly and he will get in touch with me. There is good mobile reception.

At each meal, students will be involved in setting up and cleaning up afterwards in addition to other duties as required in keeping our area clean and tidy.

One of our OLC school values is Excellence. In relation to Camp, we have been discussing the importance of personal excellence outside the classroom, in order to ensure that every person has the best Camp experience possible.

If your child's behaviour is preventing them from being at their personal best or inhibiting the Camp experience for others I will contact Mr Wilkie.

If the behaviour continues to be a problem, myself or Mr Wilkie will contact you directly. If the negative behaviour continues, you will be contacted to come and collect your child from Camp.
I would appreciate your support in discussing with your child beforehand the importance of using their manners and expressing their appreciation to the staff and adults attending.

We will depart OLC on Wednesday 18th May at 8am. Can you please have your child at school on that morning no later than 7.45am. It would be appreciated if we could have some helpers to assist in packing the bus.

We will leave Dwellingup on Friday 20th May at 1.15pm and we will return at approximately 3.15pm...I will notify Mr Wilkie when we leave so he can keep you updated on our arrival time. Please make sure that you are prompt in picking up your child, they will have missed you terribly and are really looking forward to seeing you (even if they won't say that!).

Biscuits - We would appreciate if each family could send in one packet of biscuits with their child by Monday 16th May. These will be afternoon tea for the students whilst we are on camp.

Medical Forms - For those parents that have outlined a specific medical concern for your child.
You have received a copy of OLC's Student Medication Record. Can I ask that you please fill this in and return it to me by Monday 16th May? This information will be vital in assisting me to help your child in the event of a medical emergency.
Please make sure that you send with your child on Monday any medication required including Panadol or Nurofen. Please make sure that it is clearly labelled with your child’s name, dosage requirements and times etc.

Packing Information - I have listed below the important items for packing – this was sent home last week. Check the blog if you need a reminder or I can send home another copy.
·                     Packed Recess and Lunch – Wednesday 18th May – plastic wrapping (no lunchboxes please)
·                     Water Bottle
·                     Small Back Pack
·                     Fitted Sheet and Sleeping bag
·                     Pillow and Pillow case
·                     Appropriate clothing - see the specifics of the list sent home last week. The weather will be cool at night so please keep that in mind.
·                     Rain jacket - I Suggest the OLC one if you have one as it is warm and waterproof. We won’t let the rain interfere with the planned activities where possible.
·                     Underwear/Socks.
·                     Pyjamas/Bed Time Friend/Stuffed Animal
·                     Hat
·                     Bathers
·                     Thongs
·                     Towels x 2 - Bathing and Wet Activity
·                     Tea Towels x 2
·                     Personal Toiletries in a bag that is easy for your child to identify and pack.
·                     Sunscreen/Insect Repellent
·                     Garbage Bags x 2 (or more) – these are used to store your child’s wet and dirty clothes and shoes.
·                     Torch with fresh batteries
·                     Reading Book
·                     Small pencil case with pencils
·                     Fully charged iPods - these can be used on the bus but will be collected upon arrival.
·                     Please make sure all items are labelled clearly including any cords. (No iPads)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
Thank you,

Ben Danaher

Sunday, 8 May 2016


Good afternoon everyone,

With camp approaching, I need all the notes for camp. If your child has not returned their forms as yet, can you please send them in as soon as possible. I have additional copies if you need them. I will also attach the notes to the blog if people need a copy.

Thank you,
Mr Danaher

Monday, 21 March 2016

Parent Interviews

Dear Parents,

In week 10 I will be conducting Parent/Teacher Interviews at the following times:

·        5/4/16 - Tuesday afternoon                   (3.15pm – 6.30pm)
·        6/4/16 - Wednesday afternoon            (3.15pm – 6.00pm)

A timetable has been placed on the door of Purple Room for you to fill in. The interviews will only go for 15 minutes.

If during our discussion it becomes apparent that there is more to be discussed we can arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss the matter further.

If the timeslots are unsuitable, please let me know and we can arrange another time to meet.


Mr Danaher.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Homework week 7

Welcome to week 7 Purple Room!

The homework for this week is listed below:

15 minutes and signed in the diary
15 minutes and signed in the diary
15 minutes and signed in the diary
15 minutes and signed in the diary
Unit 8
Day 1
Unit 8
Day 2
Unit 8
Day 3
Unit 8
Day 4
Activity 1 (how does the word sound)
Activity 2 (how does the word look)
Activity 3 (how can the word be changed)
Activity 4 (where did the word come from)

Merit Award Winners

Congratulations to our merit award winners from week 6!

Monday, 7 March 2016

Week 6 Homework

Welcome to week 6 everyone!

The homework for this week is listed below:

Reading –
Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Spelling –
Complete your LSCWC of all list words using alternate colours and complete the Phonological and Visual activities for 10 list words.

Maths –
Complete Day 1 and 2 of Unit 7 of Think Mentals on Page 22 and 23.
Reading –
Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Spelling –
Complete your LSCWC of all list words using alternate colours and complete the Morphemic activity for 10 list words.

Maths –
Complete Day 3 of Unit 7 of Think Mentals on Page 23.
Reading –
Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Spelling –
Complete your LSCWC of all list words using alternate colours and complete the Etymological activity for 10 list words.

Maths –
Complete Day 4 of Unit 7 of Think Mentals on Page 24.

OLC Star Citizen

OLC Star Citizen:

Congratulations to Tayla and Louis on receiving our OLC Star Citizen award for Compassion. 

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Spelling Homework Help

Good afternoon everyone,

Attached is a picture of the spelling homework sheet. This gives an example of how it is to be done.
Not all words will have rhyming words or have suffixes or prefixes, so N/A can be put in those areas.
 I hope this helps anyone that is struggling.

Thank you,

Week 5 Homework

Welcome to week 5 everyone!

The homework for this week is listed below:

Reading –
Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Spelling –
Complete your LSCWC of all list words using alternate colours and complete the Phonological activity for 10 list words.

Maths –
Complete Day 1 of Unit 5 of Think Mentals on Page 16.
Reading –
Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Spelling –
Complete your LSCWC of all list words using alternate colours and complete the Visual activity for 10 list words.

Maths –
Complete Day 2 of Unit 5 of Think Mentals on Page 17.
Reading –
Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Spelling –
Complete your LSCWC of all list words using alternate colours and complete the Morphemic activity for 10 list words.

Maths –
Complete Day 3 of Unit 5 of Think Mentals on Page 17.
Reading –
Read a book of your choice for up to 15 minutes. Write the name of the book in your diary and have it signed by your parent.

Spelling –
Complete your LSCWC of all list words using alternate colours and complete the Etymological activity for 10 list words.

Maths –
Complete Day 4 of Unit 5 of Think Mentals on Page 18.