Monday, 27 November 2017

Term 4 - Week 8

Good afternoon parents,
Below are some updates for week 8.

Christmas concert:
Next Wednesday 6th December, will be the whole school Christmas concert. The Year 5’s are lucky enough to be doing the production as a part of the preceding’s.

If your child needs to bring a costume from home, could they please bring it in by tomorrow. Once the costume id at school, it needs to stay at OLC till after the show.

During this term in Visual Art, we have been looking at natural Australian outback landscapes. Next Thursday 7th December we will be travelling to one of the most iconic man made Australian landscapes the Busselton jetty. Below is a copy of the note that was handed out Tuesday 28th November.

"Good afternoon parents,

This year the Year 5’s have been working very hard putting their hand to various types of visual and media art.  Students have also been learning about the elements of art and responding to not only their own, but art created by other people.

To celebrate the end of Year, we are going to the ArtGeo Cultural Precint in Busselton on Thursday 7th December.  Students will tour the ArtGeo gallery and the neighbouring heritage listed Jail and courthouse which is used by a number of artists.  A session of creating art and taking advantage of some of the amazing scenery will also be enjoyed by all.

Students will travel to and from Busselton by bus but will need to carry their own packed recess and lunch.  Students will need to wear their sports uniform and school hat. There will be no additional cost for the excursion.
An event such as this relies upon the generous input of many and so if you are able to provide your time and would like to join us on the excursion, please contact me.  I will require approximately four or five parents to ensure that the day can run safely and smoothly.

Please complete and return the attached permission slip by Thursday 29th November 2017 so I can ensure that groupings are adjusted accordingly.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the excursion, please drop in or send me an email.

Thanks for your ongoing support.

Ben Danaher

Year 5 Excursion to the ArtGeo Cultural Precinct

I _________________ give permission for my child ________________ to travel to Busselton and return to OLC by bus on the 7th of December 2017.  I give permission for ________________ to attend the ArtGeo Cultural Complex.
I _________________ am/am not available to assist with the excursion of the 7th of December 2017.

Signed _______________________  Date ______________________"

Monday, 13 November 2017

Term 4 - Week 6 Update

Good afternoon parents,
Below are some updates for week 6.

Leadership Speeches:
The speeches were presented yesterday. They were brilliant! Everyone spoke extremely well and I was very proud of their efforts.

T20 Blast:
Mrs Sinclair has sent out a note this afternoon about a T20 blast day at GMAS this Friday 17th November. Please return this note tomorrow. I went to this event last year and it was an excellent day. Attached below is a copy of the note that was sent out.

Remembrance Day:
On Saturday the country celebrated Remembrance Day. On Friday afternoon we read through the poem Flanders Fields. After this, we created our own poppy fields in remembrance of the people that have fought for our freedom.

Hopman Cup:
Yesterday afternoon we were visited by Jason from tennis WA. He had with him the one and only Hopman Cup. This was an awesome experience for the students to be involved in.


15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
Unit 31
Day 1
Unit 31
Day 2
Unit 31
Day 3
Unit 31
Day 4

ABC Order:
Refer to previous posts:

Adding my words:
Refer to previous posts:

Consonants and Vowels:
 Write your spelling words; use a blue coloured pencil for consonants and a red coloured pencil for vowels.

Choose 5 spelling words and next to each one write 2 synonyms.

A synonym is a word that means the same. Use a thesaurus for help, if needed. Example: large big

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Term 4 - Week 5 Update

Good afternoon parents,
Below are some updates for week 5.

Leadership Speeches:
Thank you supporting your children during the creation of their leadership speeches. There have been many helpful ideas coming from home and it is excellent to see parents and children working so closely together.

Next Monday 13th November the students will be presenting their speeches in front of the school.

Book Week dress up:
A reminder that this Thursday 9th November, is our book week dress up day. The theme for this year’s dress up is “escape to everywhere” and the students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite book character.

As we are nearing the end of the term, some of the students have been missing lead pencils, but especially glue sticks. All of the glue sticks that I have purchased have run out. If your child has any at home from their original booklist, could they please bring them in.


15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
Unit 30
Day 1
Unit 30
Day 2
Unit 30
Day 3
Unit 30
Day 4

ABC Order:
Refer to previous posts:

Adding my words:
Refer to previous posts:

Consonants and Vowels:
 Write your spelling words; use a blue coloured pencil for consonants and a red coloured pencil for vowels.

Choose 5 spelling words and next to each one write 2 synonyms.

A synonym is a word that means the same. Use a thesaurus for help, if needed. Example: large big